
Families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day. Help your child understand why attendance is so important for success in school, and in life, and STRIVE FOR FIVE or fewer absences each year.

Our goal is to ensure that every student attends school regularly, striving for five or fewer absences. We realize that some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other concerns.  By planning ahead to minimize avoidable absences, students are more likely to have regular attendance in spite of occasional illness.

A whole year has 365 days.

A school year has only 174 days.

That leaves 191 days to spend on family time, holidays, vacations, and appointments.

Did you know that missing just 2 days a month or 10% of school can make it harder for students to:

  • Gain early reading and math skills
  • Build Relationships
  • Develop good attendance habits

The routines your child develops early will continue throughout their school years. Attending school on time every day helps students feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit early in kindergarten so they learn right away that going to school every day is important.

Acceptable attendance, as reported to and mandated by the state, is being present 90% or more of the time. The minimum requirement of teacher-pupil instructional contact time per The State of Colorado and St. Vrain Valley Schools is 968 hours for elementary students during a school year. This equates to 174 school days. At Prairie Ridge Elementary, we allow up to 10 excused absences. Any additional absences beyond this will be considered unexcused unless accompanied by a doctor’s note. The St Vrain Valley School District has explicit policies for unexcused absences and tardies. The full policy can be found on the SVVSD Attendance and Engagement website or you may contact the office for a copy.

To report an absence, call the school office at: (720) 494-3641 or email [email protected].

Prairie Ridge Elementary School