Special Education

It is SVVSD’s philosophy that students with disabilities should be educated with their peers in their neighborhood school unless their needs are better addressed through a more specialized educational environment. St. Vrain offers a continuum of services delivered by special education staff members ranging from consultation with regular education teachers to varying amounts of direct services to students with disabilities depending on need. These support services are provided through building level special education staff and itinerated related service providers (i.e. speech/language, occupational therapists, etc.)

Autism Center Based Program

The needs of most students with autism spectrum disorders can successfully be met in their neighborhood school. There are some students who need more intensive support and services. These students can come to our specialized autism program through an application process. Our highly trained staff work with students to develop skills in the areas of social functioning (i.e., perspective taking, understanding social situations and emotions), executive functioning (i.e., planning, organizing, attending), problem solving, language use/comprehension, and work completion. We help students develop the academic and functional life skills necessary to be as independent as possible and have a satisfying quality of life post graduation. Skills and routines that have specific purposes and occur in real life are an important component of instructional focus.

Contact our Special Education Teachers

Prairie Ridge Elementary School