The excitement and energy was building all day as students at Prairie Ridge Elementary patiently waited for the PTO Spring Carnival later this evening. Students could see the games taking shape, the prizes being brought in, and smell the delicious baked goods up for grabs at the cakewalk station.
Every year, the Prairie Ridge PTO hosts an annual Spring Carnival. Students, parents and the community look forward to uniting to show their support for the school. From food and games, to prizes and a hayride, students and their families enjoyed the activities throughout the evening. This year, teachers are also showing their support by offering auction items that allow students an opportunity to do a one-on-one or small group activities outside of school hours.
The proceeds from the carnival, and other PTO events directly support the school through classroom grants, iPads, music grants, transportation to and from events, and supporting teachers throughout classrooms and the school. Parent and community volunteers are important to supporting the strong school community.
Thank you to the event sponsors, PTO, parent volunteers and support of the entire community. Our school is stronger because of your support.